Genesis 2:18 Then the Lord God
said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper
fit for him.”
At the end of the sixth day of
creation the Bible reports that God saw
everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And then, 19
verses later, God said, “It is not good
that the man should be alone”! Is this a conflict? God made Adam as the
head of a new part of creation. We need to note that Genesis 1:27 ends with the
words “male and female he created them”.
So in the original creation, though we can’t see her yet, Adam contained
Eve and all who would descend from her. Let’s look at this whole process from
the beginning.
First, let’s consider what the
world of science has to say. Actually there is a lot of disagreement among
scientists concerning the beginning of the universe. The theory that currently
seems to be most popular is the “Big Bang” theory. According to this theory
several billion years ago matter spontaneously appeared compressed into a very
small pebble of rock. This compressed matter exploded into all that we see
around us. The various galaxies came into being and are still moving away from
each other. Over a period of billions of years the earth, sun and moon along
with all the other billions of stars came into being.
I don’t think there’s any
advantage in our going on with this discussion. I am certainly convinced that
this did not happen, but if it had, the question is still nagging, “Who made
the pebble?” The Big Bang Theory requires a lot of blind faith. It certainly
does not answer the questions that are raised by the theory. There is no
evidence that anything ever burst into being from nothing! Unlike most of the
world’s religions the Bible is very simple and easy to understand.
Bible opens with creation. Let’s look at Genesis 1:1. In the
beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Throughout the Bible there is
a running theme that is worth looking at. In Isaiah chapter 42 God is described
as the one who created the heavens and stretched them out. God is the one who
gives breath to the people and spirit to those who walk on the earth. In Paul’s
letter to the Colossians Jesus is described as the image of the invisible God.
By him all things were created whatever they might be. The biblical examples
are much easier to understand than the scientific attempt to get rid of God.
Beginning with creation
day afterward produced a different part of the plan..
On the first day God spoke
light into existence. So far as we know, everything was dark before that
moment. Many have argued that this could not be the proper sequence of events
because, according to Genesis, the sun and the moon was not in place yet! If we
look ahead in the Bible to Revelation 21 we see the new heaven and the new
earth. Just as in the beginning there was no need of sun or moon. Because the
glory of God gives it light! On day one of the creation God gave his glory as
On the second day of creation
God divided the water, which covered the earth, into rivers, lakes and oceans I
believe this happened by raising the ground above the water, and separating the
clouds and humidity from the water on the earth.
On the third day, God finished
establishing the separation between earth and water and called vegetation into
On the fourth day God spoke
lights into being that we call stars. Along with the other stars God created
our sun and moon both of which are essential to life on earth.
On the fifth day God called
forth all the living beings in the oceans and filled the sky with birds. God
instructed all these creatures to be fruitful and multiply.
On the sixth day God called
for all animal life. And then to top off his creation God called mankind into
existence and…
God — mankind is plural! Let’s look at Genesis 1:26. Then God
said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over
the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps
on the earth.”
The first word that is
translated “God” in the Hebrew is “Elohim” which is a plural word. We know that
God is identified in the Bible as Trinity. This use of a plural name for God
occures here and later in chapter 3 verse 22 and chapter 11 verse seven. When
God spoke to Isaiah, in the year that King Uzziah died, and said “Whom shall I send, and who will go for
us?” This is just a small sample of the many ways that God is shown as a
plural being in the Old Testament as well as in the New.
Since mankind is created in
the image of God it’s important for us to consider what that means. Some cult
groups, like the Mormons, believe that God the Father has a physical body like
ours. But that is taught nowhere in the Bible. What the Bible does teach is
that God is spirit. When God made Adam God breathed into him the breath of life
and he became a living being. Adam is a unified person having a body and a
soul. Throughout the Bible, human beings are described as either “body and
soul” or “body and spirit”. We are a soul who lives in a body.
In Genesis chapter 1 verse 27
we see that being created in the image of God included the concept of being
male and female. The Bible does not tell us how long Adam existed before Eve
was brought forth. It seems to me that…
needed to realize his aloneness. Let’s look at Genesis 2:19-22. Now out of the ground the Lord
God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and
brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man
called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man
gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast
of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So
the Lord God caused a deep sleep
to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its
place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made
into a woman and brought her to the man.
The Lord God was not caught by
surprise when he observed that the man should not be alone. The lonely
isolation of Adam needed to be brought to his attention in a very strong way.
So God placed the man in the Garden of Eden and then brought by him every one
of the animals he had created. Adam was told that he should give names to all
the creatures. Now this wasn’t done for God’s enlightenment it was done for
Adam’s understanding. If indeed all the animals God created were brought by him
many days would’ve passed in that project. There must’ve been many thousands of
these creatures.
As the animals came by for
Adam’s inspection there would have been two, or more, of each. Perhaps by the
time they came by him there were already little ones following behind. In most
cases there would have been a larger animal accompanied by smaller one. Male
and female would have paraded by Adam. The Bible tells us that, “for Adam there was not found a helper fit
for him.” This was no news to God so it must’ve been Adam who came to this
realization. During the time of examining all the animals Adam would have
slowly began to wonder why he was alone and what could he do about it?
At the end of the naming
ceremony we are not told anything about Adam’s realization or what kind of
feelings he may have had. I believe that he might have been very disappointed
even to the point of depression.
The first anesthesia was given
by God that night. A deep sleep came upon Adam. Once he was totally sedated God
took something out of his side. Even though many Bibles translate the word as
“rib” it could just as easily be translated as “something”. The word “rib” is a
plural feminine noun. As it should be because the “something” taken from Adam
was constructed into a woman.
Let’s use our imaginations a
little. Adam awoke from a very deep sleep and he found a change had happened to
him! Perhaps the scar on his side was tender to touch. I suspect it was not
stitched and certainly not stapled but instead was probably glued shut. As Adam
came awake feeling his side suddenly he is aware that another person is there.
The only other person he had ever known was God himself! Now instead he sees
something like him. For several days now he had been in the process of naming
all the other creatures. This one didn’t fit into any of the categories he had
already seen. I think we can assume that Adam did not have a mirror. He would
possibly have seen himself reflected in a pool of water but his understanding
of what he looks like might have been limited. So it could have taken him a
little time to realize what had happened.
Now let’s look and see how the
Bible treated this encounter.
Adam reacted and it was
recorded as poetry. Let’s look at Genesis 2:23 Then the
man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be
called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
I respect the integrity of
Scripture and certainly don’t want to show any irreverence or lack of respect
but I believe that Adam’s first reaction is not recorded. It would’ve gone
something like this, “Wow what’s this?” But first, I suspect there would’ve
been a reasonable period of time of bated-breath silence. The first view of
woman would have had a profound effect on this man. I do believe they were both
absolutely perfect in their physical makeup. You see, all of the genetic makeup
of mankind existed in those two creatures. I believe that Eve, like Adam, was
beautiful beyond description! There certainly is no room here for millions of
years of evolution. God did not begin with minerals, water and lightning to
create a living organism. He simply spoke them into existence as part of his
perfect plan.
The historicity of the special
creation of Eve from Adam is shown in the New Testament. In Paul’s first letter
to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses eight through 12, Paul says that man was
not made from woman, but woman from man, and man is born of woman therefore
neither is independent of the other.
It seems that it would have
been easy for Adam to model the role of a perfect husband. In Paul’s letter to
the Ephesians chapter 5, beginning with verse 28, we have the instruction that, “husbands should love their wives as their
own bodies.” There is no doubt that Adam understood that this woman
represented his own body. After all she was always with him and she had been
taken out of his side.
Let’s leave Adam and Eve to
their courting and look at the root of their fall.
were two “special trees” in the garden. Let’s look at Genesis 2:9. And out of the ground the Lord
God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for
food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil.
These two trees were placed
there as a part of God’s plan for human existence. One tree was forbidden to
them because they should not ever feel the burden of guilt from sin. From the
very beginning of creation sin pays its wage — DEATH! Not an instant death but
an absolutely inescapable death.
The other special tree was the
tree of life. When God observed that the man had committed the crime of eating
from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he immediately took action to
prevent the man and woman from eating of the tree of life. The only thing worse
than eating of the tree of knowledge would have been then to eat from the tree
of life and live forever in their sinful condition. Therefore the Lord God sent
him out of the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword in front of the gate.
There is no longer a Garden of
Eden on earth. It was wiped out in the worldwide flood in Noah’s day if not
before. But we should not despair. We might not be able to find the Garden now
but in the future the tree will be made available to us. Not just the tree but
12 trees of life each bearing its fruit in a different month. According to
John’s vision of Revelation, chapter 22, the curse will be lifted and the water
of life will flow from under the throne of God and along its banks the tree
will flourish.
God revealed that part of his
plan was that man should recognize that it was not good for him to be alone.
Simply telling that to the man would not have pressed the truth into his mind.
Bringing all the animals before the man made him see that all these creatures
came in two versions while he was the only one of his kind. God has a mate for
most of his people. At the same time some may have the gift of celibacy, as
Paul did, but for most there is a partner to stand side by side in the service
of the Lord. The second most important event in a person’s life is the choice
of a mate. The most important event is a response to the call of God to
salvation. To confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from
the dead is essential to salvation.
scriptures quotes are from: The Holy Bible: English standard version.
2001. Wheaton: Standard Bible Society
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