Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to
be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty
days and forty nights, he was
hungry. And the
tempter came and said to him, “If you are the
Son of God, command these
stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It
is written, “‘Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the
mouth of God.’” Then
the devil took him to the
holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him,
“If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written,
will command his angels concerning you,’ and “‘On
their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against
a stone.’” Jesus said to him, “Again
is written, ‘You
shall not put
the Lord your God to the test.’” Again,
the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the
kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All
these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” Then
Jesus said to him, “Be
gone, Satan!
For it
is written, “‘You
shall worship the Lord your God and him
only shall you serve.’”
the devil left him, and behold, angels
came and were ministering to him.
Luke tells us that Jesus
was full of the Holy Spirit when he came from his baptism and was led
by the Spirit into the wilderness. Matthew adds that he was there “to
be tempted by the devil.” I'm afraid that most Christians today, if
they think of being filled with the Holy Spirit at all, think of a
terribly exciting and pleasant experience. Certainly, thinking about
being led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil is not
usually connected with being filled with the Spirit. That is exactly
what happened to Jesus. Peter tells us that our adversary the devil
prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. We must
remember that he seeks to devour us whether we are spiritually strong
or not. We should seek to be spiritually strong so that we can resist
the devil. James, the Lord's brother, said that we should submit
ourselves to God and then we can resist the devil and he will flee
from us. Obviously Jesus knew how to resist the devil.
Jesus had gone into the
wilderness to prepare for his ministry to begin. He spent forty days
alone with the Father. In the same way, Moses had spent forty days
and forty nights on the mountain with God before he received the law.
Fasting for forty days, apart from a miracle of God, is physically
dangerous. In all likelihood Jesus had water available to him
because, again, apart from a miracle of God, a person cannot live
more than a few days without water. Forty day fasts are not unknown
but are certainly unusual. Fasting is a way to give one's full
attention to God and the Word. I have never spent more than a couple
of days in fasting. I do know that hunger can become a real problem.
I also know that if you are spiritually focused hunger is not
immediately a problem. In fact, in the beginning of a fast, your body
feeds on itself and hunger only becomes a problem towards the end.
Satan had waited for the right time for Jesus to be hungry and then
he moved in to present the temptation. The first of three temptations
by hunger.
until hunger returned. Jesus
had fasted for forty days and now his body was demanding food. Satan,
knowing who Jesus was, challenged him to satisfy his hunger
is patient.
Let's see how Peter described our enemy. 1
Peter 5:8 Be
sober-minded; be
watchful. Your adversary
the devil prowls
around like
a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. If
you have watched Animal Planet or Discovery Channel you have seen how
a lion will stalk its prey. In fact, the lion will wait until its
prey is tired and alone. The lion may spend all day stalking its prey
patiently waiting till the right time. Then he'll strike and almost
always bring down food for supper. Well Peter describes our enemy as
being patient and vicious. He had to leave Jesus in the wilderness
after these temptations and began to look for other opportunities to
take Jesus down. He watched as Jesus chose his disciples and he
marked which one might be available to him. And at the right time he
pounced on the weak disciple listen while I read
Luke 22:3 Then
entered into Judas
called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve. Satan
entered into Judas and led him to betray Jesus. Just as he had waited
for the right time to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. But Jesus knew
how to resist the temptations. In this case it was a matter of…
by correct priority.
Jesus knew exactly what was important with regard to food. Some time
after his temptation in the wilderness Jesus led his disciples
through Samaria. On the journey he became hungry and sent his
disciples into a village to buy some food. After they left, a woman
came to the well probably expecting no one to be there as she was not
very popular in town. Or at least that's the way it is usually
interpreted. After a discussion with Jesus about where and how to
worship she put her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She went away to
tell everyone she knew that she had met the Messiah. While she was
gone Jesus' disciples returned with the food that had been sent for.
Instead of taking the food Jesus said, found in, John
4:34 “My
food is to
do the will of him who sent me and to
accomplish his work.
…" Jesus
knew that man did not live by bread alone but by every word that
comes from the mouth of God. He used that quote in the temptation in
the wilderness and I'm sure thought of it while sitting with the
woman at the well. It's a very exciting thing to share your faith
with another person. It can be so exciting that normal activities,
like eating, take second place.
responded to his first temptation by quoting the word of God. The
first temptation was a temptation by hunger, the second was…
to demonstrate God's care. As
the son of God Jesus had the right to expect to be cared for. Now
Satan asked for a demonstration to prove who he was. Satan said…
If you are the Son of God. Jesus, you remember, had just come from his baptism when he had heard those wonderful words found in Matthew 3:17 “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Even without those words at his baptism Jesus knew who he was. He had known since he was twelve years old and perhaps sooner than that that he was the Son of God. Many people will say that Jesus never claimed to be God just somehow a distant second to the Father. Sometime after this experience in the wilderness Jesus was confronted by some of the leaders of the Jews. Let's read about it in John 5:17-18 But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. "Making himself equal with God" is the understanding the Jewish leaders had of what Jesus had just said. "Equal to" and "the same as" is the same thing. John's gospel is very clear that Jesus and the Father are equal. It begins with, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
If you are the Son of God. Jesus, you remember, had just come from his baptism when he had heard those wonderful words found in Matthew 3:17 “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Even without those words at his baptism Jesus knew who he was. He had known since he was twelve years old and perhaps sooner than that that he was the Son of God. Many people will say that Jesus never claimed to be God just somehow a distant second to the Father. Sometime after this experience in the wilderness Jesus was confronted by some of the leaders of the Jews. Let's read about it in John 5:17-18 But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. "Making himself equal with God" is the understanding the Jewish leaders had of what Jesus had just said. "Equal to" and "the same as" is the same thing. John's gospel is very clear that Jesus and the Father are equal. It begins with, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
it was fairly absurd that Satan even raised the question, "If
you are the Son of God" because they both knew who he was. Satan
had been defeated by Jesus quoting Scripture and so now he shows his
expertise in the Bible. We need to remember that…
can quote Scripture.
Return to our text of the morning we find these words in Matthew
4:6. “If
you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, “‘He
will command his angels concerning you,’ and “‘On
their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against
a stone.’” The
devil had read Psalm 91. He could use that to urge Jesus to prove
that he was God's Son. Just because someone quote Scripture doesn't
mean that what they say is right. What the devil said to Jesus that
day was true it was just incorrectly applied. Jesus, being God, and
as such the author of the Bible, knew exactly how to use it. Satan
used Scripture incorrectly.…
uses Scripture correctly.
Paul wrote to Timothy to tell him that there was a right way to use
Scripture. Let's look at 2
Timothy 2:15 Do
your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
passage reminds us that there is a right way and a wrong way to use
Scripture. I won't even begin to go into all the wrong ways except to
say that the right way always glorifies Jesus Christ.
was tempted by hunger and tempted to demonstrate that God really
cared about him. Now he was presented with a…
to take a shortcut. After all
it would appear that Jesus came into the world to save sinners and
build a kingdom on earth. Satan presented Jesus with the challenge to
prove who he is by turning stones into bread and by jumping off the
temple so the angels will come and protect him. So it seemed logical
to the devil that he could encourage Jesus to take a shortcut. You
see it's true that…
rules the world system.
There are several passages of Scripture we can use to support this
idea. We will use two. First, let's look at an incident only a few
days before Jesus death on the cross. He testified that he had come
into the world to be crucified. And he cried out asking the Father to
glorify his own name. The Father spoke saying that he had glorified
his name. And then, let's look at John
12:30-32 Jesus
answered, “This
voice has come for your sake, not mine.
is the judgment of this world; now will the
ruler of this world be
cast out.
I, when
I am lifted up from the earth, will
draw all
people to myself.” At
that point in time Satan seems to be winning the battle. He is
rapidly moving Jesus toward a trial and execution. The world was
about be judged not Jesus! Even though Satan believed he was winning
Jesus boldly asserts that the ruler of this world will be cast out at
just the time he thinks he has the victory. Jesus knew that he had to
take our sins into his own body and allow that body to be nailed to a
cross. Jesus had no sin of his own so he could become sin for us and
that would allow us to become the righteousness of God in him. Yes,
he would be lifted up on a cross above the earth but at the very time
that he was lifted up he would draw people to himself. Satan may
indeed be the ruler of this world but he rules only with the
permission of God the Father.
place in the Bible that testifies to Satan's rule over the world is…
2:1-3 And
you were dead
in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the
course of this world, following the
prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in
sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the
passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body
the mind, and were
by nature children
of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
is writing to the Ephesians about the conditions under which we were
born. You see each one of us, every person on earth, was born dead in
trespasses and sins. All of us followed the course of this world in
obedience to "the prince of the power of the air". That
"prince" still works in the sons of disobedience all over
the world. All of us are born children of wrath and subject to death
and hell. However, when Jesus went to the cross he provided
substitutionary atonement for all who are appointed to eternal life —
for all who receive him and believe on his name.
you still subject to Satan? Or, have you submitted your life to the
Lordship of Jesus? Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus
is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead
you will be saved. Otherwise, you live under the authority of the
Prince of the power of the air, the ruler of this world. He was tried
and found wanting but during the temptation in the wilderness…
authority was accepted.
look at what the writer of Hebrews had to say in Hebrews
2:14-15 Since
therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise
of the same things, that through
death he might destroy
one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all
those who through
fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.
authority was very real. He had come into the garden of Eden
thousands of years before and confronted the rulers place there by
God the Father. He stalked them and brought them down with a simple
question, “Did
God actually say, ‘You
not eat of any tree in the garden’?”
they fell into his trap. And when Adam and Eve sinned we all sinned
with them. It may not seem fair but the actions of our ancestors have
an effect on us whether we like it or not. Let me give you an example
that may help you to understand. When I graduated from college in
1968, we moved to New York State and, therefore, Aree, our youngest
son, was born in New York two years later. If we had moved somewhere
else he would have been born there. He had no choice about where he
would be born that decision was made by our decision to live in New
York. I will give another example. Sometime in my childhood I learned
that my grandfather, Aree Oscar Bray, had wanted to travel to the
West when he was nineteen years old and join the national Forest
Service. As I thought about that I was upset! If grandpa had gone
West I would've been born in Montana or Wyoming or some such exotic
place. I would've been a cowboy or a mountain man! Then the truth
slowly sank in. If Aree Oscar Bray had gone West when he was nineteen
years old he would have never met Ola Crockoff and subsequently
married her. After their marriage they had a son named Hubert Aree
Bray. That son was my father! If they had never met, never married,
not only would my father not have been born but I would not of been
born nor any of my offspring as we know them. Undoubtedly, Aree Oscar
Bray would have married someone but it would've been an entirely
different someone. What our ancestors did has profound impact on who
we are today and where we are!
Adam and Eve sinned we sinned with them because we were in them along
with every other human being on earth. Adam and Eve gave up rule of
the earth to Satan in the garden of Eden. Jesus did not deny the
devil's statement that he had authority over the earth his response
was simple…
came back to basics. Again,
let's look back at our text. Matthew
4:10 Then
Jesus said to him, “Be
gone, Satan!
For it
is written, “‘You
shall worship the Lord your God and him
only shall you serve.’”
was not a matter of who the Prince of this world was it a matter who
the Lord of glory is. In our humanity we might think it would be a
simple thing for Jesus to bow down to the enemy in order to gain
control of the entire world and all its kingdoms. Jesus knew that was
something Satan could not give him anyway. There was never any choice
for Jesus that day. He was committed to serve and worship only the
Lord God himself. Even in those early days Jesus was firmly fixed on
the path to Calvary. In the wilderness, after forty days fasting, at
his weakest physical moment, Jesus withstood three serious
temptations. Praise God, he did not give in.
should be strengthened by the knowledge that our Lord and Savior was
himself tempted in every way that we are yet without sin. It is not a
sin to be tempted — sin comes from giving in to the temptation.
When Jesus began his ministry the Holy Spirit publicly demonstrated
who Jesus was — the Son of the Living God! Then, soon after that,
the Holy Spirit took him into the wilderness to be tempted of the
devil. It is important for us to recognize that we have an enemy who
seeks to destroy us and we have, within us, the Spirit who dwelt in
Jesus to enable us to resist the enemy. You might ask, "Why does
God allow us to be tempted?" He does so in order to make us
strong. Don't despair when you find yourself harassed by temptation.
Count it all joy that you have been considered worthy. Faith is
trusting God to supply all our needs. Do you trust Him?
scripture quotes from:The
Holy Bible : English standard version.
2001. Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
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